3D virtual shop

Retail success is dependent on capturing behavioral insights with the right tools. Gathering the right data to broaden your understanding of the market is essential to building a successful retail marketing strategy.

It’s not just about what they say, it’s about identifying and understanding the drivers behind consumer behaviour.

One of the best ways to do this, is of course, through observation. True understanding comes from seeing consumers make decisions naturally and how the decision-making process goes.


With our 3D virtual shop service, you can gather unparalleled insight. Test new concepts and strategies easily in a flexible virtual environment tailored to your needs. Gain valuable data that helps you predict customer behavior accurately and drive demand for your product.

Our 3D virtual shop service can be customized down to do the detail to give shoppers the full experience. The flexible design allows the environment to capture data effectively.

Looking for an engaging tool for immersive in-store experience? Our VR tool fits the bill and helps shoppers get the full experience, and you get rich data to build insights from.

Our services are quick to deploy. This means you’ll hit the ground running in creating an engaging experience that keeps customers hooked from beginning to end while allowing you to capture valuable data.

Most Common Applications

Product design and launch

Building virtual environments to test design and launch to help you confidently join the market.

Shelf space

How does your product actually look when placed on the shelf and are customers drawn to that? Our virtual environments will help you answer that question.

Out of stock simulation

Helping you optimize and plan out of stock moments to accurately prepare for customer demands.


Our 3D virtual shop can help you identify if customers are drawn to your promotions and easily able to identify these opportunities?

Display and signage

Our virtual environments will help you understand what kinds of signs and displays are customers gravitating towards.

Shelf Placement Test

Test your price and promotional strategies to see which one works best.

Pricing tests

Pricing is dynamic and your testing should be too. With our pricing tests, you can model different scenarios to understand customer preferences.

Store layout

Is your store laid out in the best way possible to encourage browsing and purchasing behavior? Observe customers in a virtual environment designed exactly like your store to pinpoint optimization opportunities.

Need a specific or different application?

No problem! reach out to us and will be happy to help.

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