
A successful e-commerce store typically relies on effectively capturing shopper behavior data to inform decision-making and strategy.

Your product strategy will vary across online markets, but how do you gain valuable insight on what works and what doesn’t? How do you get a direct window into shopper behavior and how they interact with your website?

Our technology helps you answer these questions and more. Using our E-commerce simulations, you can improve online strategies by testing in virtual environments rendered exactly like your store


Our solution captures real-time consumer behavior data that gives you an edge above your competitors. Test strategies, launches, pricing, and communications quickly and easily with our rapid deployment.

Most Common Applications

Product launch test

Your launch should be effortless and smooth. Our testing ensures your launch will be successful.

Product design test

Test new designs, gain feedback, and measure impact before fully launching products.

Taxonomy test

Product hierarchy and distribution across Categories and Sub-categories is key for brand exposure and conversion. Test if the consumer is finding your products in the category hierarchy with the least clicks possible.

Out of stock simulation test

How do consumers behave when products are out of stock? Our simulation gives you insight into the decision-making process.

Promotional tests

Run different promotion strategies to understand what appeals to customers the most and what drives conversion.

Pricing tests

With our dynamic pricing tests, you can beat the competition and drive sales.

Custom testing

Don’t see what you’re looking for here? Get in touch! We design custom testing based on your needs.

Other services

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